Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I am constantly inspired by one of my oldest friends, Miss Valorie (you should seriously check out her blog- she's awesome and entertaining and a wonderful person). As I decided to ONCE AGAIN get back into blogging I decided to take a page from her book (or rather blog) and do a post on "stuff I want to do."  So, while I'm not at this moment thinking of 101 goals, here we go!

  1. Israel (kinda cheating since I'm leaving for Israel in less than a week, but it's been a goal for a long time!)
  2. Roadtrip out of state
  3. Grand Canyon
  4. Australia
  5. France
  1. Graduate!
  2. Have a job that lets me fully support myself, financially, and be happy
  3. Work at least out of state, if not out of the country
  4. Get a hard earned A in a core class
  5. Perform my proficiency recital
  1. Give up soda for a week
  2. Give up soda for a month
  3. Lose at least 30 pounds
  4. Work out every day for at least a week 
  5. Go skiing/snowboarding 
  6. Start swimming again
  1. Write a whole song
  2. Get involved with a group
  3. Perform live band karaoke 
  4. Go to a concert/concert festival
  5. Audition for something big... like Broadway big
  1. Get a feminine tattoo
  2. Cook dinner for someone special
  3. Surprise someone with flowers for no reason at all
  4. Be emotionally open with someone
  5. Wake up early and watch the sunrise on my own
So... these are things I thought of for now. Let's see where I am in a few months... maybe I'll have done some, maybe I'll add more!

Alli Marie


  1. thanks for the follow! Will follow back!

  2. Great goals!! I hope you have a fantastic time in Israel!

  3. Thanks Alma!

    Thank you 20SM- there will be pics when I get back! :)
